Mr. Leach is one of the greatest teachers here at James John Elementary School. He's my 3rd grade teacher this year, he is also a pretty funny guy. I know a lot about him, but there's some stuff I didn't know. Let's learn more about him.
What is your favorite type of music?
"Folk Rock, Singer Songwriter stuff and Jazz."
Do you have a favorite sport?
"Sort of . I like biking, if that's a sport."
Do you have a favorite type of car?
"Yes, I really like our Volvo, even though I never really get to drive it. My wife drives it to work. I ride my bike everyday to school."
What stuff really makes you happy?
"My two and half year old daughter, spending time with my family, watching kids in my room work really hard, watching movies and biking to work."
Why did you want to be a teacher in the first place?
"I feel really comfortable working with kids. I worked at summer youth camps all through college and worked at the Joe Paterno Child Development Center at Nike World Headquarters before coming to work at James John."
You grew up in Wyoming, did you enjoy living there?
"Some parts ."
How many siblings do you have?
"I have two older sisters and one older brother."
Were you a very good student in Elementary School?
"Not really. My teachers complained about me to my parents."
Are you happy with the job you have now and living in St. Johns?
"I'm very happy, I wouldn't want to work anywhere else."
Which jobs have you thought of doing, besides being a teacher?
"I've thought of being a school guidance counselor, but I really like having a classroom."
You were in a band here in Portland- why did you quit doing it?
"Well, my wife and I had Penelope, our daughter. A few other people in the band were having kids as well, so we decided to put the band on hold for awhile."
Have you ever lived in any other place besides Oregon and Wyoming?
"I was born in Florida. When I was three we moved to Missouri. Soon after we moved to Indiana and then to Wyoming when I was six."
What are your favorite hobbies?

"I enjoy all the typical Portland stuff. Biking, Yoga, going on long walks with my family through Portland neighborhoods,
writing songs, playing guitar, going to concerts."
What is your favorite type of food?
"Probably Mexican and Thai."
If you could do anything for three hours, what would it be?
Probably go to the Oregon Zoo with my wife and daughter."