Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holiday Homework Packet

 We are wrapping up another great week here at school.  I wasn't going to make a homework packet for the long winter break- but all week your kids pleaded and begged me for one.  
So, they are coming home with a large packet that should keep them busy for awhile.  They don't have to do all of it.  Your 3rd grader needs to pick  three of the math pages that are just right for them.  There is also a word search, crossword and several lined pages for them to write about what they did over break and a reading game.
Hopefully the homework packet will come in handy for any long car rides to relatives that you may have planned.
Tell your kids not worry, it's not due til next year!


  1. Lovely! Oh, and Mr. Fairbanks might like this considering he is into math and whatnot:

  2. Ouch! I love Krulwich- but that lady made my head hurt!
